February 2023 Project Update

STEP up for scale

This photo of the team during their site visit shows the height of the barge (bottom floor), which will be used as a galley and for storage. The two floors for guest areas will be above this level.


The team at Monteith Construction just completed a site visit, and things are looking great. Construction is moving along; final portions of structural steel are being completed, then the focus moves to sandblasting and painting. The barge is scheduled to be completed in March 2023, and begin its journey from Florida to North Carolina later in the month. Once it arrives in the downtown Wilmington boatyard, vertical construction will begin.


This photo shows the scale of mooring brackets that will hold the barge. Each of the seven new pilings at the marina will have two of these mooring brackets affixed to the barge with bolted connections.


After multiple discussions between the Giorgios Hospitality Group and Monteith Construction on kitchen layout, traffic flow and use of space, design layouts have been updated. Take a look at the latest drawings from Kersting Architecture.