January 2023 Project Update


This slice of the Commodore Club created by the Monteith Construction Virtual Construction Department. This allows them to model the building incorporating all systems for coordination in advance of vertical construction.

The Giorgios Hospitality Group team has been working with Monteith Construction to outline kitchen layout and make some minor modifications to the seating plans to best utilize the space for traffic flow. The floor plans of the barge interior (which houses the galley, storage and equipment), as well as the working seating plans of the first and second floors (that contain the guest areas) are below.

Commodore Club Entrance

The Monteith team met onsite with their architect and engineering teams to begin mapping out the layout of Sam’s Bar as it relates to the restaurant entryway ramp as well as the Commodore Club street entrance. This is the working layout.


The barge structure is close to being fully erected with the starboard-side plate currently installed. The stern rake has been installed and the angle framing for the upper deck is currently underway. In the upcoming weeks, the construction team will complete enclosing the barge and focus on final outfitting material (paint/coatings and hatches). Fabrication of the exterior mooring collars will also begin.

In downtown Wilmington, dredging at the boatyard (where the barge will reside during vertical construction) has begun in preparation for the barge’s arrival. Once these items are complete, the barge can be moved in (current timeline for this is March 2023).